Sunday, April 14, 2019

WEEK 2 LOG – St. Augustine FL to Savannah GA

Still chugging north up the ICW and having a great time of it. After leaving St. Augustine and the last of our cruising guests behind, Jayne, Bella (the dog) and I have been getting into our cruising groove that should see us in Norfolk by the first week of May. Our stops from St. Augustine have been Jacksonville (free dock), Cumberland Island (anchor), Brunswick, Georgia (marina), Wahoo River (anchor), and finally to Thunderbolt, Georgia, where we will stay at a marina. After this our next stop will be Beaufort South Carolina, and we can cross Georgia off our list!

The Georgia ICW doesn’t get much love from the cruising community. Big tides, strong currents, shallow spots, and not a lot of services along the way. But in exchange you get some beautiful wilderness cruising. We draw less than 3 feet of water and have protected running gear, so we didn’t have much heartburn along the way. The hardest part was finding an anchorage where we could take the dog ashore, as much of the shoreline is mud flats and salt marsh with no solid ground.
Wahoo River Anchorage
Wahoo River sunset

Cumberland Island was the real high point of this last week…we hiked about 6 miles around the south end from Sea Camp through the abandoned mansion and saw wild horses, and then went up the Brickhill River to Plum Orchard Landing for the night and did another 5 miles across the island to the beach in the morning. After spending two nights at anchor at Cumberland, we departed our anchorage bound for Thunderbolt marina where we met up with several looper boats. 

Duck House Trail on Cumberland Island

Pine forest at Cumberland Island

The iconic oak trees of Cumberland Island

Dinner in Thunderbolt with fellow loopers Sonia and Gregg (Golden Daze), Gordon (Adagio), and Brenda and Bruce (B-Side)

All our looper boats in a row at Thunderbolt Marina

By the end next week we should be in Charleston, SC. We have never been there and have heard lots of great things, so we may spend a day or two.

1 comment:

  1. You'll love Charleston! One of my favorite Southern cities.


WEEK THREE – Warderick Wells to Georgetown (OK, actually more like 9 days)

After our two day stay in Warderick Wells, it’s time to leave the Land and Sea Park and keep heading south towards our eventual destination ...